Information Articles

Lime Treatment in Hydroseeding

          New England soil tends to be slightly acidic due to the rainfall, decomposing leaves and rocks predominant in the ground.  This causes a lower pH than is desired for the formation of a healthy, drought resistant lawn.  For this reason, we raise the pH of the soil we put down as part of our new lawn installations.  This ensures that the new soil will be in the right range for the grass to develop a healthy root system.

                New England does not have acid rain, but the rainfall we get in our area is fairly plentiful.  This rainfall leaches away alkaline components and minerals from the soil.  The oak leaves and pine needles that decompose also are slightly acidic, which further acidifies the soil.  Of course, if your yard has more oak trees and pine trees, it will be more acidic than if you have no trees at all.  For this reason, most people in New England lime their lawn every year to ensure that the pH stays nearer to neutral (7.0).  Since Cortland Property Maintenance uses native screened loam in all of our new lawn installations, we add lime to bring the pH up to 6.7 to 7.0 prior to hydroseeding.  This, along with the hydroseeding mixture containing a slow release starter fertilizer, ensures your lawn gets off to a good start.  It is important then after the lawn is established to continue to lime the lawn every couple of years to ensure it stays within the healthy range.  Call us today at 774-245-1336 to discuss hydroseeding.

New Lawn Maintenance


Do NOT begin watering until the mulch has completely dried out. The glue in the mix needs to dry out in order to be effective. On a sunny day, this will only take a few hours.

Watering - The lawn should be watered twice a day for approximately 20 minutes. Puddles should just start to form, but there should not be any standing water. If you are watering enough, the mulch will not completely dry out before you water again. The mulch turns a pale color when it is dry. Watering can be scaled back as the grass begins to mature.

Fertilizing:  In approximately 4 weeks, starter fertilizer (18-24-12) should be applied to the lawn.  Weed and feed should not be applied to the lawn for at least 10 weeks after seeding.

Weed and feed, if applied too soon, will kill or damage young seedlings.

Mowing:  Your new lawn should be mowed when the grass is approximately three inches tall, and as often as required after that.